Faculty Incharge
Proctor Incharge

Proctor section in the College is responsible for all students' related activities including general discipline. It is headed by senior faculty member supported by other senior faculty members devoted for facilitating the students in various activities.

Character building is the main aim of education and the College lays great emphasis on good character and decent behavior from every student. Students seeking admission to courses of study in the college are supposed to maintain general discipline within and outside the college campus including hostels. They are bound to follow the discipline and conduct rules furnished hereunder.

  1. All students should be properly and neatly dressed with prescribed college uniform on all working days. Those who intentionally violate this rule shall not be permitted to attend the classes and will have to leave the campus.
  2. The behavior of the students, both within and outside the college campus should be decent and befitting to a professional institution. Any student,
    • who is persistently insubordinate to teachers or staff.
    • who is habitually irregular in attendance or inattentive to his work in the classes.
    • who is repeatedly or willfully mischievous or obscene in words or act.
    • who is guilty of fraud or malpractices at examinations.
    • who indulges in movements which may lead to communal ill feelings or enmity.
    will be liable to be punished with fine, suspension, loss of attendance, refusal of promotion to higher semester or even expulsion from the College.
  3. Students should attend classes; submit assignments, records, homework etc. in time. Students coming late shall enter the class only with the permission of the teacher. Latecomers will not get attendance for the period. No student shall leave the class before the class is dispersed by the teacher handling the class.
  4. Students shall move silently when proceeding from one class to another so as not to disturb other classes.
  5. Permission from the concerning Head of Department is to be obtained by the student while leaving the college campus before the end of the classes.
  6. Students who happen to have no classes are not allowed to loiter in the veranda during class hours; instead, they should remain quiet inside the classrooms or in the library.
  7. Students are prohibited from organizing or attending meetings in the College, distributing notices, or collecting money for any purpose without the permission of the Principal/Director.
  8. Instant agitation arising in the campus disturbing the regular class work in the college is banned. Disturbing any class work in the campus comes under the purview of Ragging and those involved in such activities are liable for severe punishment under law.
  9. The college properties should be handled with maximum care and everything possible should be done to preserve the cleanliness and tidiness of the building, furniture, library books, and the premises.
  10. Use of mobile phone and similar electronic gadgets in the college campus is restricted. Mobile phones are to be switched off when in the campus. However, it can be used during lunch intervals. If anyone is found violating this rule, the phone will be confiscated and the same will be returned only after the completion of the course.
  11. Ragging, in any form, is strictly prohibited in the college according to the directions of the Government of India. Penalty measures to those found guilty of ragging will begin with immediate expulsion from the College followed by criminal procedures as per the law.
  12. The Mid-term examinations are to be attended by all the students with sufficient preparation. Re-tests will not be conducted normally.
  13. Students must work quietly while in the library or spend time in such a way as not to cause any interference with the work of others.
  14. Students must park their vehicles only in the places specified for the same and should not use the vehicles inside the campus beyond the parking areas.
  15. Under any circumstances, no student or staff or outsiders permitted to meet a faculty member while he is engaging class or on invigilation work.
  16. Students are expected to see the College Notice Board every day.
  17. Students should always possess their identity cards with them and display the same using the cardholder and tag provided.
  18. Students should make an entry in the Bio-metric attendance once a day.

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